Our Locations
1323 Bond St, Ste 119
Naperville, IL 60563
630-961-2992: Administrative/Prevention
630-717-9408: Counseling
fax 630-596-8496
Since 2003, The Power of Choice campaign has been reaching its goal of increasing the number of students in school districts 203 and 204 who believe the true norm that most of the time most students make healthy choices. The campaign has been sharing the good news through marketing materials that highlight the healthy life choices that students are making.
Five different 12×18 posters are displayed in the schools throughout the school year as hard copies and on TV monitors. Posters are designed with messages intended to build protective factors that guide students as they develop, making decisions that lead them toward a healthy future.
In planning new posters for an upcoming school year, testing with the target audience begins. Surveys conducted in school lunchrooms ask students about their attitudes and values to gain insight into potential marketing messages. Separately, students are surveyed to learn where they notice messages inside and outside of school to learn preferred sources of information. Healthy messages drafted from student input are tested during spring/summer focus groups. Once primary and seconds campaign messages are identified, a second round of focus groups is conducted to test images for poster design, including photos, colors and wording. The final color posters printed represent the student voices, and are displayed in school as September begins, changing bimonthly to keep students engaged in noticing the newest poster, and reading its important messages.
Five different 30-second spots are shared with schools to play throughout the school year on TV monitors. These segments are designed with messages intended to build protective factors that guide students toward making decisions that lead them toward a healthy future, including the choice to be alcohol-free.
In planning new segments for schools, testing with a sample of high school students begins. At screenings, Youth Advisory Council (YAC) students are asked about their attitudes and values in relation to the first cut of each video, as well as future concepts, to gain insight into potential marketing messages. The spots are then edited to appeal to high school youth using the suggestions. Separately, YAC students monitor and respond to general student feedback on the new 30-second segments via the social media channel Instagram. Student interaction with the Power of Choice campaign creates a new, authentic feedback loop for learning which messages resonate with teens regarding each of the 30-second videos. I-Teams can poll students on the messages and video design. The final cut of the videos represent the student perspective, and are played in school bimonthly: October, December, February, April, keeping students engaged in noticing the newest video segment, and potentially interacting with it and with other students’ comments about it.