Operation Snowball Workshops for Spring 2025

A-maze-ing: This popular workshop is a fun way to learn one of life’s greatest lessons.  If you have been to this workshop before, sorry, choose another one. You know why!

Adult Wrap: This is a chance for adult participants to get together and discuss the weekend – or whatever else is on your mind! For adult (21 and older) participants only.

Birds and the Buzz: Choices, dating relationships, sex, sexuality, safety, consequences. Your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your partner, your peers. What a complicated mix. Bring any questions you have and be prepared for a VERY FRANK facilitated and student-driven discussion about all that and more.

Bullied: The format and info for this workshop comes from the award-winning book Bullied, by Carrie Goldman.  You will come away from this workshop with a clear understanding of what “bullying” is and how to respond to it whether you are the target or a witness to a bullying incident.

Choose or Lose: This interesting workshop allows participants to individually work through a series of scenarios, making decisions about their values along the way that will determine whether or not they come out on the other side as winners.

Here for You: This new workshop is meant for anyone who wants to learn how to support those around them. Find out what questions to ask, how to be a good listener, how to engage in deeper conversations, and how to point your friends in the right direction.

Family Ties: An experiential workshop that helps you look at your family structure from a whole new angle. Discover more about yourself and your piece of the family puzzle.  This workshop is about family structures, positive and negative, and how they affect individuals within the family structure.

Kindergarten: Come and entertain your inner child with finger paints, playground games, and story time…. All the things you probably haven’t done since KINDERGARTEN

No Waxy Build-Up: This workshop cleverly explores the topic of the “masks” we wear and how they impact our lives. Participants leave this workshop feeling silky smooth J and comfortable with who they are.

Not Paint By Number: This workshop involves creating a masterpiece solely through verbal directions. Analyze how everyone interprets the same instructions in a unique way through painting, and then participate in an interesting discussion.

Take a Stand: Peer pressure is something we all face, no matter how popular or how well liked we may be.  This workshop helps us to think of ourselves as leaders in standing up for what is right without being angry or confrontational.   Come to this workshop to learn how to be prepared with a mental script for those unexpected situations!

Sailing the Stormy Seas: “You may not be able to control the wind, but you can adjust your sails”. This workshop will help you create an opportunity for you to help yourself weather the storms at sea. When the seas get rough, you need to be prepared. Increase your awareness about the ship you sail. You  need to t know what you can and can’t control when your ship enters the stormy seas of life.